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Welcome, Mr. Esselman!

You are Deputy Director

You will select the wildcard entry for this year's contest.


Between 1879 and 1904 and then again in 1921, the Morgan Silver Dollar, a 90% pure silver coin, was minted, representing the United States' expansion to the West. I have completed twenty-three of the twenty-eight stories, using the common thread of receiving the coins through hard work, theft, inheritance, etc.
Each fictional story, some with historical events, features colorful characters that experience security or tragedy when taking possession of the coins. This is a novel-length book, falling between 60 to 80 K.

Aiden was a bullied child. The other children treated, this fatherless boy, as an outcast and that was justification enough to beat and torment him. But soon after his after his eighteen birthday a stranger comes calling, and Aiden quickly discovers that he comes from a long line of Druids, and in fact his name isn’t really Aiden, and the father he believed had been killed in a freak accident was actually murdered.

His whole life has been turned upside-down and he now learns that his family has kept him in the darks whole life. Because his family is of the First Order Druid Nation he holds within himself a level of magic that no other Druids can compete with. He now knows that he must become the Druid Master he was destined to be, if he is to complete his father’s charge of saving the Druid Nation from the merciless attacks of a connected Demon realm.

The first pitch submitted was just my outline and it was sent in error, this is the correct blurb. Would I be allowed to use this one instead of the outline one.



My story is about Tobias Churchill a slave that fought in the Civil War that took down generals with his amazing combat skills when the war was over he was with his family when the KKK bust down his door and the KKK leader Jedediah violated his wife and daughter then tied them to the cross and burned them alive while Tobias watched and mourned, have beaten to death they tied him to cross and burned him alive to join his family but instead of going to heaven with his family he went to hell! but why? This is a journey about Tobias Churchill trying to get into heaven to be be with his family again

I'd like to get another story collection published. I have one prepared now which consists of mostly published genre stories, with a splash of humo(u)r. They look like some of my stories in World Of Myth, and probably some of them were in WOM. Since "Oddities" was prepared, there are many other stories which could be added or exchanged . At this time it contains "Good Demons" about night creatures that practice sexual healing. Could be cut if inappropriate. There drabbles, flash, and short stories; crime, sci fi, horror, and more.


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